Lou Vilchez Meyers
2 min readOct 4, 2015



“Hear O people of Israel , the L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is one” (Deut. 6:4), teaches that G-d is, as so declared: a united one, a composite unity, eternally existent in plural oneness [Gen. 1:1 (Elohim: G-d); Gen. 1:26 “Let us make man in our image”; Gen. 2:24 Adam & Eve were created to be as one flesh (basar echad)], that He is a personal G-d who created us ( Gen. 1 & 2), and that He exists forever in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as mentioned in Romans 8:14–17 (Father, Spirit, and Messiah — Son) and Matt. 28:18–20 (immersing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).

II.A. G-D THE FATHER. — John 6:27b; I Cor 1:3; Gal. 1:1; Rev. 3:5, 21; Jer. 3:4, 19; 31:9; Mal. 1:6; Matt. 6:9, 32; Luke 10:21–22; John 1:14; 4:23; 5:17–26; 6:28–46; Rom. 8:14–15.

II.B. Section

II.B.1. G-d does have a Son [Ps. 2; Prov. 30:4–6 (cf. Heb. 1); Luke 12:35–37; John 1:29–34, 49; 3:14–18].

II.B.2. The Son, called Yeshua (Jesus), meaning salvation, came to this world born of a virgin [Isa. 7:14 (cf. Luke 1:30–35)].

II.B.3. The Son is G-d (Deity), and is worshipped as God, having existed eternally [Ps. 110:1 (cf. Heb. 1:13); Isa. 9:6–7; Matt. 28:18–20; Phil. 2:5–11; Col. 1:15–19; Rev. 3:21 (Heb. 1 — worshipped by angels); Rev. 4:8, 5:5–14].

II.B.4. This One is the promised Mashiach (Messiah) of Israel [ Is. 9:6–7; 11:1; Dan. 9 (esp. verses 20–26); Isa. 53; John 1:17, 40–41, 45, 49; Mark 8:29].

II.B.5. He is the root and offspring of David, the bright and morning star (Num. 24:17; Rev. 22:16).

II.B.6. He is our Passover, the Lamb of G-d ( I Cor. 5:7; Rev. 5; John 1:29).

II.C. G-D THE HOLY SPIRIT (Ruach HaKodesh)

II.C.1. Introduced in Gen. 1:2b.

II.C.2. In the written word, the Spirit of God came upon individuals during the times of our forefathers, like Moses, David (see II Sam. 23:1–3), and the Prophets, for the specific purposes.

II.C.3. In the New Covenant, the Messiah, Yeshua, promised His disciples that “the Comforter” would come to them after He was gone, described as the Spirit of Truth (John 14:17, 26), who was with them and would be in them. Yeshua further declared that the Spirit of Truth, would guide us into all truth and would glorify Him — the Messiah — not Himself (John 16:13–15). He empowers us (Acts 1:8). He seals us [Eph. 1:13; 4:30 (see NIV and Jewish New Testatment versions)]. If we have not the Spirit, we are not His (Rom. 8:9). He leads us and teaches us (Rom. 8:14–17). His indwelling enables us to live a godly life. Acts 2:38 says, “Repent, be immersed, and receive the Holy Spirit.”

II.C.4. the manifestation of the Holy Spirit as recorded in 1 Cor. 12. The supernatural power of G-d is available not just to the believer but more through faith today, with other unknowns. for it is not for all to know. but similar as it was during the books of Acts.



Lou Vilchez Meyers

Businessman, Entrepreneur promoting self employment, providing resources, training, Tax specialist. RE-te-investments, Entertainment Biz, love Art, Investments